12 Reasons to Live With Less (and Feel So Much More)

I’ve been a minimalist for about 15 years. And what that looks like in a 3 bedroom house with 8 people is ever-changing. But minimalism is an obvious choice for us. Here’s why:

  1. Because time is precious! Let’s be honest: we don’t want to waste time hunting for things, cleaning, organizing, or managing all the stuff we have. Simplicity helps us spend more time doing what really matters.

  2. Because we’re role models whether we know it or not. We’re all in the spotlight to somebody, whether we like it or not. By embracing a simpler lifestyle, we can inspire others to live more intentionally too.

  3. Because the world simply cannot afford the American Dream. Shifting towards simplicity is a way to embrace a more sustainable, globally-minded future.

  4. Because stuff doesn’t last forever. Everything we buy—no matter how cool—eventually has to go somewhere. Let’s choose what we bring into our lives carefully, so it doesn’t become waste down the road.

  5. Because we can give so much more when we have less. The world is facing some big challenges, but the more we embrace simplicity, the more we’re able to contribute and make a difference.

  6. Because happiness isn’t found in more stuff. We’ve all tried to fill a void with a new purchase, only to find it didn’t bring the joy we expected. True happiness comes from experiences, connection, and creating memories.

  7. Because true gratitude leads to generosity. If we’re really grateful for all we have, sharing it with others feels like the natural thing to do. Living with less means there’s always more to give.

  8. Because wanting to buy as much as we can for as little as we can drives an economy that loves money at the expensive of people. It’s easy to get caught up in the race to buy more for less, but we have the power to break that cycle and support a kinder, more thoughtful economy.

  9. Because life’s simplest pleasures are the best. Some of the most beautiful moments in life don’t come with a price tag—whether it’s watching the sunset, a good laugh with friends, or just enjoying a quiet moment.

  10. Because less stuff = more room for people and experiences. More space in your home means more room for family game nights, spontaneous adventures, and those unforgettable moments you’ll cherish forever.

  11. Because one day, someone else will have to deal with it all. Imagine the burden of sorting through all of your belongings when you’re gone. Living with less makes life simpler for both us and the people we love.

  12. Because it’s harder to tell the difference between needs and wants when we have too much. Living with less helps us focus on what we truly need—giving us clarity and purpose.

Living simply isn’t a design trend or a phase. It’s an intentional way of approaching every area of our lives. It has personal, communal, and global implications.

I’ll leave you with a simple slogan guides my life and I have painted in my living room: Live Simply. Love Extravagantly.

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